
South west adventures

I thought it was time for an update!

I was overwhelmed by the support for the campaign and so pleased to have exceeded my target amount. If anyone still wants to donate, please get in touch and I’ll let you know how you can… extra funds are always welcome –

Last weekend I travelled to the south west to get some more of the footage for the documentary. I took a disposable camera with me as part of Adventures on 35mm which is an awesome project run by Maryam. Hopefully some of the pics will turn out!

It was my first time in Exeter, where I went to School of Frock at the Cavern. School of Frock is a workshop led by Lande (Muncie Girls) which gives girls the chance to play musical instruments together. Kelly Kemp, Lou (Caves) and Lande taught guitar, drums and bass during the afternoon – they’re great teachers. I enjoyed having a go on the drums (much harder than it looks!)! The atmosphere was brilliant and supportive.. and the gig after the workshop was fun. As well as interviewing Lande and Pippa (who runs the Cavern), I also got plenty of footage from the day. I’ve got a load of photos to upload too. It was great to meet new people and be part of School of Frock! The day after I travelled to Wales where I interviewed Sam (Le Pub) and Reb (Dirty Revolution). I’d never met either of them before but they were both so lovely! I also caught up with Jenn Hart (poet) in the evening in Bristol.

Yesterday I met another new person – Lorna from Rabies Babies/The Pukes. She was visiting York so we decided to meet up. We chatted for over an hour about music, gender, sexism and our experiences of playing in bands. It was really interesting. She interviewed me for her radio show and I interviewed her for the documentary.

This week I’m hoping to see Petrol Girls when they come to York.
